Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's been awhile...

Well, faithful readers, it's been some time since I've added any pictures. Thomas has added many from his phone, but I haven't posted since we left San Francisco. So, this is a big ol' post with as many photos and videos as they'll allow me to upload (crossed with as many as I have). Sorry there aren't any great stories to go along with these pictures, because they're mostly of normal life things. I'll try to add exciting commentary when possible! Also, I'm never sure in these things the best way to post. Of course, if I was better at posting, like TK, things would be in reverse chronological order, as they should be. But when I post five or six weeks at a time, should the picture at the top of the post be the oldest picture, or the most recent? Jeez. We'll, I think in this batch, I'm going to put the oldest pictures first, because that's what I feel like doing. So, start from the top if you want the notion that you're watching Shortie grow up. Here you go: A visit from los padres y los primos lead us to take a ferry ride to Sausalito. This was Shortie's first ferry ride, and she really seemed to enjoy herself. Really, she loves being in the BabyBjorn almost anywhere. Here's a video of Shortie giggling, while Grandpa Wright gets some exercise: Y'all know this already, but we bought a condo in Palo Alto at the end of July, and before we moved in, we had some work done on the place. Nothing too major - just some new floors and paint - but enough to make us not want to deal with contractors again anytime soon. Here are a few shots of the house after the work was done, but before we moved in. Oh, and lest you think we have bad taste, we didn't choose the hideous light fixture in the dining room - it's the next thing to go! Here's the living room/dining room combo when you walk in the door. The walls are all the same color, except for the dark wall in the dining room, which in this picture looks kind of green - it's gray in reality. Here's Shortie's room. Yay, no more nurrfice!! And here's the bathroom. We, of course, now have a shower curtain. Shortie loves her new bedroom and is so excited about the idea of being able to roll all over the floor and not injure herself on something that should never be in a baby's room (think battery organizer!). Here is the world's most boring baby video ever: Here's a picture from dinner with Papa and Tutu. Shortie was laughing and laughing when I took this shot. Breakfast with a very hungry caterpillar. Good thing Shortie knows how to put that creature in his place. Every time she sees the caterpillar, she grabs it and bites its head. Aggressive much?? She's on the move, folks! Shortie really gets around these days by rolling all over the place. You know I didn't put her down under the table, but that's where she wound up! Shortie playing on (or near) the mat in her room. We finally got keys to the pool in our complex, and we took Shortie to the pool. This is actually the second time we took her to the pool - the first time she was wearing a cute polka-dot one piece, sans sunglasses. A note about the sunglasses: for those of you who have been reading from the beginning, you'll remember the sunglasses made their debut when Shortie was a couple weeks old. They were a bit too big for her at the time, but she's grown into them now. She was fascinated with the way the world looked through them, and kept them on the entire time she was in the pool.

1 comment:

Tree said...

Nicole munchies on her backpack too. Tabby does it all the time so I have to keep washing it. LOL